The time is drawing very near! We have travel dates. We have airline tickets. We have an intinerary. We have guides named Linekar and Amy. We have consular appointments. We have joined a group which includes 3 other adoptive familes, all traveling to various provinces to meet their children. After an eternal year of paper chasing, praying, preparing and waiting, we are departing in 10 days! God has graciously given us another daughter, this time through the miracle of adoption, and we are going to get her in just 10 days! In Qingyuan, (Ching-ywen) Guangdong Province, China, on the other side of the world, a little girl is waiting. With fear or excitement, we can't be sure. She is considered an "older child" and has no doubt seen many of her little friends come and go. She has been informed of her adoption and she has seen photos of strangers who are coming to claim her. She will eat and play and go to bed today in the same orphanage where she was placed 7 years ago, at the wee age of 3 days. It is the only life she has ever known. But God knew, before she was ever born, that one day she would be ours. Her official record says "abandoned", but we know that isn't really true, because the one who promised never to leave or forsake us has had his hand on her these seven years, and now, miraculously, has entrusted her to our care. He has led us on a remarkable journey which began for me in January 2009, but for the rest of our family, even earlier. We have gone from an ideal to fear to being "minimally obedient" to a conviction, and somehow through the processes of the last year, God has given us a passion and desire, a longing for a little girl we don't yet know. We will love, protect and cherish her as our own, because He will enable us, and our family will be forever changed. We have a new daughter! Her name is Kaylee Yangzhi Tichenor... and we are going to get her in just 10 days! Please pray for us!
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything , but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and with the help of God, I will do!" Everett Hale
I can't wait to read your posts from China!
ReplyDeleteOn board and praying daily for you guys!
ReplyDeleteBelieving in this covenantal relationship we have with our Eternal, Triune God--Father, Son and Spirit--I am convinced this is a match made in Heaven. Can't wait to see what else He has in store for you guys and for your newest addition--Kaylee Tichenor!!
ReplyDeleteAnd now it is only 2 DAYS!!!